Another popular question that gets thrown my way is should a beginner guitarist purchase their own guitar when deciding to take classes ? My answer is always a resounding… YES.

Let me explain:

I do understand that people are afraid to cough up money and purchase a guitar. They are afraid that they might not ‘take’ to it and will end up quitting. With that being said, I’m here to tell you that in order to really give guitar playing a shot, you need your own guitar.
Learning how to play is 20% class time and 80% practice time. About 20% of your guitar experience should be in some form of a classroom. Be it private tuition , online courses or books. Here you will learn all the techniques and theory that are required to master the guitar. The other 80% should be the student practicing all that material in order to really become a guitarist. As I’m sure you’ll agree, without your own guitar you’re missing out on the most fundamental part of the guitar learning process. For that reason alone, I strongly suggest that you have your own instrument.
Another important factor to consider is that the student needs a guitar size and set up that suits their size and skill level. Smaller individuals would need smaller guitars and larger individuals would need full size instruments. The type of guitar is also something to take into consideration. Please check out my ‘Which Guitar Should You Start With‘ article for more info on that topic.
Lastly, although not a primary reason, I do feel that getting your own guitar is also great as it helps motivate you even more to practice and succeed !! Let’s be honest , nothing motivates us more than getting a shiny new toy 🙂
Should you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me.